Saturday, January 17, 2015

Date Chews

During the past weekday sessions, we again took a rest from our Hebrew Through Movement exercises to learn Hebrew vocabulary relating to cooking. Actually, we didn't take a complete break from HTM - as I introduce the cooking vocabulary, I use HTM vocabulary to give directions.

This month, we made date chews, a very simple and quick recipe to prepare.Tu Bish'vat, the "holiday of the trees" falls on February 4th this year, (the holiday's name literally means the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Sh'vat). Since Jews have traditionally celebrated this holiday by eating fruits that grow in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), and since dates were an important crop there in ancient days (used not only for eating but for making honey and wine!), it seemed an appropriate recipe.

Introducing the vocabulary
Offering a libation to the gods...actually, "l'hareem et ha' sookar" ("lift up the sugar") - showing an understanding of the vocabulary and instructions
L'hoseef et ha'sookar v'et ha't'mareem la'kemach, avkat afeeya v'melach b'toch ha'k'ara ha'g'dola (Add the sugar and the dates to the flour, baking powder and salt in the big bowl)
L'arbev et ha'markeeveem ha'y'vasheem b'yachad (Stir the dry ingredients together)
Achshav, leet'rof et ha'beitzeem ba'k'ara ha'k'tana eem ha'mazleg (Now, beat the eggs in the small bowl with the fork)
Az, l'hoseef et ha'beitzeem l'toch ha'k'ara ha'g'dola (Then, add the eggs into the big bowl)
L'arbev et ha'kol b'yachad eem ha'kaf (Stir everything together with the spoon)
La'avor et ha'batzek la'tavneet... (Transfer the dough to the baking pan...)

U'va'sof, leef'ros et ha'batzek ba'tavneet, v'zeh moochan la'afot ba'tanoor (And finally, spread the dough in the baking pan, and it's ready to bake in the oven

We're on break for the Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday holiday all week. We're back in school on Sunday, January 25th, but even before then I'm looking forward to seeing many of you at our Edot Family Shabbat Seder on Friday evening the 23rd, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

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