Friday, March 28, 2014

Matza Apple Tea Cakes

Pesach is less than 3 weeks away (the first seder is the evening of April 14th, officially the start of the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan). So I'm focusing now on recipes relating to the holiday. This week, we prepared a "kosher for Passover" recipe for apple tea cakes prepared with matzo meal.

Here's the vocabulary to look over - I left out several words that we have used multiple times, and which most of the students recognize already
Reisheet kol, leesh'bor et ha'beitzeem b'toch ha'ke'ara ha'g'dola. (First of all, break the eggs in the large bowl.)
Az, l'hoseef et ha'shemen (Then, add the oil)
Achshav, l'haktzeef et ha'beitzeem v'ha'shemen b'yachad. (Now, whisk the eggs and oil together.)
L'hoseef et kemach ha'matza, ameelan tapoochei adama, v'et ha'melach l'toch ha'eerboov... (Add the matza meal, potato starch, and the salt into the mixture...)
...v'l'arbev et ha'kol be'yachad eem ha'kaf. (...and stir everything together with the spoon.)
Achshav, l'hoseef et ha'sookar... (Now, add the sugar...)
...v'et ha'tapoo'ach... (...and the apple...)
...v'l'arbev et ha'kol pa'am achrona eem ha'kaf. (...and stir everything for the last time with the spoon.)
L'maleh et ha'neeyarot ba'tavneet eem ha'eerboov. (Fill the papers in the muffin pan with the mixture.)
U'va'sof, l'fazer eerboov shel keenamon v'sookar al kol oogeeya. (And finally, sprinkle a mixture of cinnamon and sugar on each little cake.)
Leerchotz et ha'shoolchan... (Wash the table...)
...v'leerchotz et ha'ya'da'eem eem sabon. (...and wash the hands with soap.)
La'afot ba'tanoor 30 dakot, l'chakot 30 dakot, ve'az zeh moochan le'echol.  B'TEYAVON! (Bake in the oven 30 minutes, wait 30 minutes, and then it's ready to eat. BON APETIT!

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