Sunday, February 2, 2014

B'nai Mitzvah Prep Session #2

Our sixth graders and families gathered in the Sanctuary yesterday morning, joining the congregation as Leo Berkman celebrated his Bar Mitzvah. This was an opportunity for them to learn about and participate in the Shabbat morning prayer service. In a year or so, these sixth graders will themselves be called up to the bima as B'nai Mitzvah.

This morning, all our Isaiah fifth graders and their families gathered in the Social Hall for their second B'nai Mitzvah Prep session. This time, the focus was on the prayer book - the Siddur. After a brief welcome and introduction by Rabbi Greninger, students and parents huddled over pre-folded book covers for almost an hour, decorating them to fulfill the Talmudic concept of "Hiddur Mitzvah" - beautifying the commandment. And the results were definitely impressive. After the decorating activity was over, each student was given his/her own Mishkan T'fila siddur. This year, for the first time, the siddurim included both the Shabbat and Weekday services.

For the final half hour of the program, students went with Josh and Maimone into the Oneg Room to play games, while their parents stayed in the Social Hall and, under Erin's direction, participated in several "mixer" activities themselves to get to know each other better. Before the students returned to join them, they were given their child's Bar/Bat Mitzvah date and had a chance to ask some questions about planning the celebration.

The workshop ended in the Sanctuary, when we all joined the 3rd and 4th graders for t'fila led by Rabbi Greninger. Our fifth graders used their new siddurim for the first time. Before leaving, they left the books in the Social Hall. These will be moved to the Beit Knesset in the school building and will be ready for them to use for the rest of the school year during our week day t'fila sessions.

Below a few photos from Sunday's event.

What kind of a Jewish gathering would it be if we didn't have bagels and cream cheese!
Signing in at arrival
Rabbi Greninger welcoming the group and introducing the theme of the workshop. It was a rainy morning, and still almost everyone came - a full house!

All the tools lined up for the "Hiddur Mitzvah"activity...
...and the siddurim piled high waiting to be handed out
We had so many participants, that we had to add two more tables for people to work on
Students were instructed to write their names on the spine of the cover, preferably using stencils

Students brought family photos and wrote dedications for their siddur covers
Parents and children worked side by side
Will these become future heirlooms?  We hope so!
Time for parents to get to know each other...
...and for the students to find out what each is looking forward to most about their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration.
Using the decorated siddurim during t'fila for the first time.
And finally, an array of the finished covers on the siddurim.  Truly "Hiddur Mitzvah" or, as we called it during the workshop, "Hiddur Siddur!" 

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely special and wonderful morning. Thank you for all your hard work organizing the first of many memory-building moments for our family.
