Thursday, November 30, 2017

Hanuka and Jewish World Stumpers

I put up new stumpers on our holiday bulletin board relating to the Hanuka holiday coming up. In case a student would like to answer one or more stumpers from home (just e-mail me the question and answer), here they are:

Who were the "Hellenists" in Israel, and why did the Maccabees and their followers fight against them?

How can we be sure that potato latkes were NOT eaten by the Maccabees?

What does Antiochus' nickname 'EPIMANES' mean?

How many candles do Persian Jews light on Hanuka?

Who were the first Jews in Italy known to us by name, and how were the Maccabees connected to them?

Who was Judith and how did she help save her people?

I also changed the stumpers on our "Jewish World" bulletin board. As a little introduction to our upcoming unit of study about the Jews of Iraq beginning in January, I put up the above stumper:  How many Jews lived in Iraq by 1951 when most left for Israel?

Other new "Jewish World" stumpers are:

How did  Abravanel's name help Beethoven compose the Fifth Symphony?

Where did Curacao's Jews come from originally?

How many Jews live in Cuba today?

Parents, you are allowed to share the answers to any of the stumpers with your child(ren). Remember that the idea behind this Stumper/Challenge Program is to "spread the news" about our wonderful Jewish world! If you'd like to find out the answers yourself, feel free to e-mail me or call me (Daniella in our JQuest office can give you my contact information if you don't have it at hand.)

Enjoy the learning journey with us!

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