During our weekday sessions, we continued exploring the Jewish values which the Roman-era Rabbis recognized in the Book of Esther, this time through the medium of art. Students each day were divided into four groups, each of which was assigned to find the part of the Purim story in which the Rabbis recognized a particular value. The group was then asked to create a poster, illustrating the part of the story where their assigned value could be found. As usual, students could choose any number of materials with which to create their illustrations:
The results, and their value message are as follows:
(If you look carefully at the above poster, you'll see a man wearing a keepa, taleet (prayer shawl) with tzeetzeet, and t'feeleen (phylacteries)!) |
These are all hanging on a bulletin board in the hallway, to share the important values the Roman-era Rabbis believed the Book of Esther could teach to countless generations of Jews after them. Now it's our turn to share these with our own generation in our Isaiah/JQuest community.
Prior to painting the posters, we used our community activity time with the Shira and Y'tzira classes to continue exploring what our students knew or didn't know about Israel. All this information will be used to help create a new Israel curriculum for JQuest. Below is a sample of how we explored what the students knew about Israel:
And, of course, I continued to build upon Hebrew foundational and holiday vocabulary during our Hebrew Through Movement session each day this past week:
Abi, leengo'a ba'meelah "delet." (Abi, touch the word "door.") |
Ariston, l'hatzbee'a al ha'meelah "delet." (Ariston, point to the word "door.") |
Alexia, leengo'a ba'meelah "loo'ach." (Alexia, touch the word "board.") |
Emily, l'hatzbee'a al ha'meelah "keer." (Emily, point to the word "wall.") |
Gabby, l'hatzbee'a al ha'meelah "chalon," v'az l'heestovev la'keeseh." (Gabby, point to the word "window," and then turn to the chair.) |
Seth, leelbosh et ha' keter al ha'rosh shel Jake. (Seth, put the crown on Jake's head.) |
Banot, l'hareem chaticha shel ozen haman. (Girls, pick up a piece of a hamantashen.) |
Baneem, l'hareem chaticha shel ozen haman. (Boys, pick up a piece of a hamantashen.) |
This coming Sunday is our LAFTY Purim Carnival. I'm looking forward to seeing all the Edot students at 9 a.m. in the classroom, where we'll have some Purim fun before heading up to the Sanctuary for a Purim assembly and costume parade for half an hour, then into the Social Hall for two hours of fun and frolic at the Carnival. Parents are invited to attend, though it's not required for 5th and 6th grade parents. Be sure to send about $20.00 with your child if s/he is coming alone!
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