Thursday, April 10, 2014

Coconut Pyramids

This past week we "became slaves in Egypt" during our Hebrew cooking elective, building structures for Pharaoh in Egypt - in this case, pyramids. But instead of using mortar and bricks, as our ancestors did, we built sweeter versions - made out of shredded coconut!  We basically followed a recipe for coconut macaroons, but shaped them into pyramids. I prepared the dough ahead of time, since it had to be refrigerated at least an hour before we could work with it. But even so, we barely managed to finish preparing all the "pyramids" and get them into the oven before our session was over. In a way, we felt the pressure the slaves must have felt back in Egypt to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

No ancient Egyptian here - all Hebrew!
La'seem batzek ba'kaf shel ha'yad... (Put the dough into the palm of the hand...)
...v'az l'galgel et ha'batzek l'tzoorat kadoor. (...and then roll the dough into the shape of a ball.)
Achshav, l'hash'tee'ach et ha'kadoor l'tzoorat peerameeda. (Now, flatten the ball into a pyramid shape.)
La'seem et ha'peerameeda al ha'tavneet. (Put the pyramid on the cookie sheet.)
L'galgel v'l'hash'tee'ach (Roll and flatten)
Al taf'seekoo la'avod! (Don't stop working!)
The almost-finished product - it still needs to be dipped in...

U'va'sof, l'nakot (And finally, clean up)

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