We prepared a recipe for these cookies which are often served at Sephardi (Spanish/Portuguese) Jewish weddings. This particular recipe came from Jews living in Mexico. The final product reminded me of Russian tea cookies, so this is obviously a sweet that has made its way through different cultures. Where it began is anyone's guess.
These are mostly review words from previous sessions, with the two exceptions being "l'hakreem" (to cream) and "avkat sookar" (powdered sugar). I should note that I often don't bother to write words on the board which we use frequently, and which I'm sure the students all recognize - words like "ke'ara" (bowl), "g'dola" (big), "batzek" (dough), or "tavneet" (baking tray or cookie sheet). |
Reisheet kol, l'hak'reem et ha'chem'a eem avkat ha'sookar ba'ke'ara ha'g'dola, eem ha'ya'da'eem. (First of all, cream the butter with the powdered sugar in the big bowl, with the hands.) |
Az l'hoseef et ha'kemach, melach, vaneel, v'shokolad. (Then add the flour, salt, vanilla, and chocolate.) |
Achshav, l'arbev et ha'kol b'yachad eem ha'ya'da'eem. (Now, mix everything together with the hands.) |
We encourage activities that will enhance the students' sense of community in school... |
...and you can't get much more communal than having everyone dip in their (washed!) hands into the dough at the same time! |
Often, I have to stop the socializing long enough to give more instructions. To get their attention, I will say, "L'hafseek l'daber; achshav leeshmo'a l'morah Charna." (Stop speaking; now listen to teacher Charna.) |
La'seem batzek al ha'kapeet... (Put dough on the little spoon...) |
...v'az l'galgel et ha'batzek l'tzoorat kadoor. (...and then roll the dough into a ball shape.) |
Zeh yoter meedai gadol! (This is too big!) |
V'zeh yoter meedai katan! (And this is too small!) |
Yofee - zeh tov me'od! (Wonderful - this is very good!) |
La'seem et ha'kadooreem al ha'tavneet. (Put the balls on the cookie sheet.) Achshav, zeh moochan la'afot ba'tanoor. (Now, it's ready to bake in the oven.) |
Oo'va'sof, leet'bol et ha'kadooreem ha'chameem b'avkat sookar. (And finally, dip the hot balls into the powdered sugar.) |
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